Search White & Yellow Pages on the iPad and get directions too!

White & Yellow PagesAvantar offers business, personal and reverse phone directories with its free White & Yellow Pages app. It senses the user’s location even over a Wi-Fi connection. Because of this, the app can give directions to your search destination via car, bus, or your own two feet. The map can even display traffic conditions!  It can also search for local businesses via an array of icons representing categories: a picture of a plane for airports, for example, or a take-out box representing Chinese restaurants.

Find free kid’s eBooks in many languages at ICDL: International Children’s Digital Library

ICDLYou won’t find the latest and greatest here. Still, ICDL (International Children’s Digital Library) makes available free of charge classic children’s books and recent ones written in a variety of languages. This could be a boon to libraries with non-English speaking populations.