Try the Empowered Eating method to take charge of food consumption

Empowered EatingDayton psychologist Jeffrey R. Wilbert offers quizzes and articles to help us self-diagnose attitudes that may be keeping us big. He advocates “Empowered Eating,” a philosophy that emphasizes choice and mindfulness in the consumption of food. The four cornerstones of Empowered Eating are responsibility, mindfulness, purposefulness and competence.”Emotional eaters,” notes Wilbert, “are typically weak in a set of crucial life management tools summarized by the acronym ‘FATS’:  Feelings management, Assertive expression, Time effectiveness, and Self-care.  An individual weak in FATS skills routinely feels overwhelmed and out of control, especially when making eating choices.” Firm your FATS to end self-defeating behaviors!

Know what you are putting in your mouth with SELF Nutrition Data

SELF Nutrition Data
What’s in your food? find the nutritional data of the foods you eat on this site from SELF magazine. It gives you not only the facts but graphs showing the food’s glycemic index and fullness/nutrition matrix. The SELF site provides lots of other diet information too, such as a recipe analyzer and a diet tracker. Register for free to store your data online.

Find recipes for health and flavor at CookingLight.

CookingLightThis online version of Cooking Light magazine features a recipe search with light, modern dishes. It also offers cooking instruction articles and ideas for general entertaining. There are also pieces about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle here, and a place to register and store recipes online.  This site links into sister magazines that also serve up tasty, if sometimes heavier recipes: Southern Living [] and Sunset magazine [].

WebMD dishes out healthy eating advice.

Diet and Fitness from WebMDWebMD serves up this cornucopia of information about healthy eating and fitness. Read the latest news and advice about diets. Use the site tools to find your BMI (Body Mass Index), a personal assessment of your diet, and a food and fitness planner.  Check the Food-O-Meter to see the nutritional information on over 37 thousand foods.

Lose weight with Lance at the DailyPlate.

Daily PlateThe Lance Armstrong Foundation sponsors this site that offers free membership and advice to those who wish to lose weight, manage diabetes, or even cope with bariatric surgery. Track calories eaten and burned during exercise and get support from other members. Download the $2.99 iPhone app to track eating and exercise on the go (

Get weight loss support on BuddySlim.

BuddySlipmWant to lose weight in a social environment? “BuddySlim is a great way to get a social support group of people with similar health goals. You make friends that encourage you to stick to your regime and do all your exercises,” says Julia Bailey, Assistant Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at the University of California at Los Angeles. This free site lets users count calories and keep a journal. And, Bailey points out, “since it’s over the Internet, people don’t see each other and judge.”

My Fitness Pal monitors weight loss.

My Fitness Pal
Los Angeles actor Alex Egan uses this My Fitness Pal to keep trim for his roles. “This site is incredibly simple to use and it’s free. You can easily track your calories and exercise. You can instantly find the calorie counts of foods in their database–even name brands and restaurant menu items.” Share your goals with your social network with a ticker showing your weight loss progress. Tracking on the go? Download the free app to your iPhone [].

Choose a healthy restaurant

In their book, Eat This, Not That! Thousands of Simple Food Swaps that Can Save You 10, 20, 30 Pounds–or More! [Rodale, 2007; ISBN-13: 978-1594868542], David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding compare similar foods with wildly different nutritional content. On this site, they compare restaurant offerings and suggest that, if we make the right choices, we can shed pounds without actually having to count calories. Browse national restaurant chains by name or food type to see their overall grades for a healthy, nutritious menu. (Au Bon Pain: A-; Applebee’s: F) There are nutrition tips here, too, along with a “Menu Decoder” to help us understand what are the best choices while eating out.