Get in-depth help with your garden from the Cooperative Extension System Offices

Cooperative Extension Garden adviceIf you need detailed technical help with garden questions, you can always find it at your local USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES-USDA). “These offices are staffed by one or more experts who provide useful, practical, and research-based information to agricultural producers, small business owners, youth, consumers, and others in rural areas and communities of all sizes.” Find your nearest office by visiting this page.

Search for recipes across the web with

FoodilySan Mateo, California’s Foodily is “the world’s largest recipe network.” That’s another way of saying that it’s a recipe meta-search engine. Type in the name of an ingredient or a dish into Foodily’s simple search screen. It looks across not only recipe sites like but also blogs for food prep ideas. Foodily fetches three recipes at a time, highlighting the ingredients on its results page. It’s easy to choose the one that suits your tastes, time, and talents.
Foodily connects into Facebook so that you can share your meal plans with your pals.

Get Nutrition and Health Data from the FDA.

FDA Consumer Nutrition and Health DataSure, I read the nutrition labels on my food. But I don’t always understand what they mean. What are the DVs (Daily Values) versus the %DVs (Percent Daily Values)? Here, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration spells it out so that even I get it.

Know what you are putting in your mouth with SELF Nutrition Data

SELF Nutrition Data
What’s in your food? find the nutritional data of the foods you eat on this site from SELF magazine. It gives you not only the facts but graphs showing the food’s glycemic index and fullness/nutrition matrix. The SELF site provides lots of other diet information too, such as a recipe analyzer and a diet tracker. Register for free to store your data online.

Can it. Find out how from the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

An Englishman asked an Iowa farmer how he dealt with his astounding harvest. The reply: “We eat what we can, and what we can’t, we can.” The British fellow, highly am used with this response, reported it to his countrymen thus: “They eat what they can, and what they can’t, they do up into tins.”
Can, freeze, cure, smoke, or ferment: However you can preserve food, this site will explain how to do it safely. The National Center for Home Food Processing and Preservation researches and distributes updated information about home food preservation based on both existing studies and ongoing scientific research. Start here for all your food preservation information needs.

Find Gluten-free recipes at Carol Fenster’s Savory Palate

Carol Fenster’s Savory PalateWhat if you are allergic to the gluten in wheat or other grains? That’s called Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that attacks the small intestine.  That causes malabsorption, which will make you sick and miserable. Fortunately, avoiding gluten will allow the gut to heal. Colorado’s Carol Fenster, Ph.D., is an authority on cooking well for gluten intolerance. Browse her free recipes here, including those for pizza, cakes, and muffins.

Spot Your Next Meal at TasteSpotting

TasteSpotting.comBeautiful pix and snappy patter are what distinguishes this image-driven recipe site. Choose your food by browsing the gorgeous gallery, or search by date, category, popularity…or take your chance on a random sample. Registered users may submit their beautiful photos of food along with links to recipes, product information, videos, or news articles.

101 Cookbooks serves recipes and beautiful food photos.

Heidi Swanson decided to stop reading and start cooking her way through the over one hundred cookbooks books she had collected. Read about her adventures in cooking (mostly with natural and whole foods) and traveling. Browse her recipes by category or ingredient.  Most of all, feast your eyes on her gorgeous pictures of food.

WebMD dishes out healthy eating advice.

Diet and Fitness from WebMDWebMD serves up this cornucopia of information about healthy eating and fitness. Read the latest news and advice about diets. Use the site tools to find your BMI (Body Mass Index), a personal assessment of your diet, and a food and fitness planner.  Check the Food-O-Meter to see the nutritional information on over 37 thousand foods.